Sunday, 28 March 2010

Final Cut

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Final Film Poster

Final Film Review Page

Film Review Page Idea

When I designed my review page I decided to stick to codes and conventions of review pages. To do this I included a star rating, one large image of the character, multiple screen grabs from the film as well as the title of the film. I feel my review page looks professional and conforms to the conventions of real media products.

Film Poster Ideas

This was my first idea for my film poster. I decided to

subvert the main convention of short film posters by not
including a visual of the main character. I feel the use of
the image of the eggs and bacon helps to emphasis the
art house nature of my short film. In addition the use of
dark colours and spot lighting juxtaposes the happy nature
associated with having a cooked breakfast. This adds further
emphasis to the unusual nature of the text. This also
influenced my choice in font as I didn't want to conform to
the usual font choices.

For my second idea i decided to stick to the conventional
features displayed within short film posters. This included
a close up of the main character making eye contact with
the audience. This design is very effective at engaging the
audience and catching their view. In addition the facial
expression of the character is quite unsettling and helps
show the nature of the film and its genre.

Saturday, 6 March 2010

Rough Cut - First Four Minutes

I feel this scene may be the weakest of them all. As well as the
the obvious flaw in continuity of James's hair colour there are
other mistakes I feel let he scene down. Firstly I feel the sound
quality is poor and lets down the rest of the sound in the first
3 scenes, in addition the lighting seems to be different in every
shot as well as slightly over exposed. Due to time restrictions
it will be difficult to re-shoot any footage so as a result I will
reconsider the order of some shots and remove some entirely in
my final cut.

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