Thursday 18 June 2009

The First Time It Hits - Jason Budge (2004)

The First Time It Hits - Jason Budge (2004)

Technical Analysis
Editing - fast paced - matched by fast paced non-diegetic musical score - instantly engaging -
sets mood and feel - rock and roll sound track - mood and feel reinforced by mis-en-scene -
gritty dark mood - further reinforced by diegetic sound of skateboard wheels - Jump cut editing
fits with fast paced music - representations of age - young live fast die young - smoking young girl
- reinforced by special effects of sped up footage.
Large use of close ups - creative shot choice - see the differently - further representations
of age and stereotype - in your face attitude - facial expression of young girl also reinforces in
your face attitude - sticks her tongue out - breaking the fourth wall - acknowledges audience -
further engagement.

Use of multiple media - animation - helps flow of narrative - shows boy fantasy - reinforced by
the change of non-diegetic sound.

Semiotics - graffiti, skateboards/brands, skull and cross bones - representation of stereotypical
teenage skater - helps audience to understand character - gives idea to the feel of the narrative.

Codes and Conventions
Punchy - instant audience engagement. This is created in a similar way to "Snap" and "Wrong side
of the Bed" through fast paced editing and similar paced non-diegetic sound. Contains a simple, but
engaging narrative - similar to "Snap" and "Wrong side of the Bed". In addition the director of
"The First Time it Hits" uses a large number of close ups and very few mid - long shots. This use of
camera helps the audience to engage, also it adds to the feel of the piece. This is reinforced by the
mis-en-scene and the setting of the text. The dark gritty and in your face feel of the text is created
through the setting, lighting, editing pace, close ups and diegetic sound. Put together they create
a "grunge" feel to the text. This is reflected in the representation of age, and the stereotypical image
of teenage "skaters". The director hasn't over complicated the narrative of the text, as a result the
narrative is told through the camera and the facial expression of the characters. Furthermore the
narrative is reinforced by the cross-media animation which is helped to show the fantasy of the
young boy.


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