Thursday 18 June 2009

Wrong Side Of The Bed - Daniel Lucchesi (2006)

Technical Analysis
Section 1 (00.00 - 00.39)
Opening shot - man in bed - sets mood - reinforced by dark lighting and setting - further
reinforced by diegetic sound of alarm ringing.
Special effect - split screen - establishes dual narrative - each shot has same distance - mainly
long-mid - doesn't show bias to one side. Camera highlights actions and events and narrative is
conveyed through actions.
Mise-en-scene home environment - drives narrative - relates to any audience member.
Quick paced editing - instant audience engagement - reinforced by non-diegetic music.
Title "wrong side of the bed" carries narrative and what the audience expect.
Section 2 (00.39 - 01.31
Mise-en-scene - facial expression helps to reinforce narrative and allows audience engagement.
Shot distance is kept equal in both half's, showing no bias.
Editing holds text together - cuts smoothly between events. Interplay between two separate 
narratives - carefully planned timing, positing and editing- effectively creates humor and
audience engagement - helps carry idea of "wrong side o the bed" - audience can relate to.

Analysis - Codes And Conventions
This short film is very effective at capturing audience engagement from the very start. This done through the quick
pace of the editing and the non-diegetic musical score. The director effectively displays the narrative of the text
through the camera distance and the feel of the mise-en-scene. The narrative displayed is very simple and the
director hasn't over complicated what is going on. This makes the text more engaging and enjoyable to watch. In
addition it is fitting to the small time frame given to a short film.


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